December 16, 2020 | Other Activities
BPS Kota Pekalongan held a SP2020 Consolidation Coordination Meeting: "Utilizing One Population Data for Development" at Krakatau Hall, Hotel Horizon Pekalongan on Wednesday, December 16, 2020. During the event, the Mayor of Pekalongan, HM Saelani Mahfudz, SE attended. In addition, 39 invited guests were also attended by Forkominda and OPD. The speakers in this event were Drs. Rahyudin M.Si (Head of BPS Kota Pekalongan), Siswanto, S.E., M.M. (Head of PIAK and Data Utilization of Pekalongan City Dindukcapil), and Nur Saidah (Head of Social Statistics Section of Pekalongan City BPS).
This event was opened by the Mayor of Pekalongan. Saelani Mahfuz said that in order to accelerate the achievement of One Data implementation, it requires a thorough understanding and agreement on the commitment of related parties to be able to carry out the role of statistics in each: basic statistics, sectoral statistics, and special statistics. One data is something that must be optimized so that the implementation of government policies can run according to the needs and programs so that data from various ministries and institutions are not confused. Understanding related to one data must also be balanced with why and how the use of one data can be optimal for planning and development evaluation.
In this event also the awarding of awards to the Mayor of Pekalongan and Dindukcapil for their support in the Population Census. In addition, there is also an award to Pringrejo Village for its achievement in achieving the highest Online Population Census which was held from February to May 2020.
The Head of BPS City of Pekalongan in his presentation entitled "NSPK Sectoral Statistical Process and Business" conveyed the Norms, Standards, Procedures, Criteria for the Implementation of Sectoral Statistics by the Regional Government. It takes the active participation of sectoral statistics providers to meet data needs that are not yet able to be fulfilled by basic statistics. Also discussed about SDI administrators at the regional level and the stages of organizing sectoral statistics.
Siswanto, SE, MM, in his presentation entitled "Population Registration and Civil Registration in Supporting One Indonesian Data" conveyed about Population Registration Management and Civil Registration in the Population Administration Information System (SIAK), SIAK output, and utilization of population registration results and civil registration. .
Nur saidah SST., SE., M.Si, in his presentation entitled "Utilization of Population Data for Development" conveyed about population relations and development, population-based development, population dynamics evolution, Population Census 2020 (SP2020) towards one Indonesian population data, SP2020 output in 2020, and the benefits of population data. After the explanation from the three speakers, the event was continued with a discussion of questions and answers from the participants.