February 17, 2021 | BPS Activities
The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Pekalongan City held an online training for officers of the National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS) March 2021 using a zoom meeting. To prevent transmission of the covid-19 chain, training was held online. This training was held in 2 waves, namely 1st batch on 17-19 February 2021 and the 2nd batch on 22-24 February 2021. The National Instructor for this Susenas Training was Nur Saidah SST., SE., M.Si, Coordinator of Statistical Functions Social Statistics of Pekalongan City. This training was attended by 50 officers consisting of 17 PML and 33 PCL. The seventeen PMLs included 14 organic BPS and 3 BPS Partners, while all 33 PCLs were from BPS partners.
Head of Pekalongan City BPS, Drs. Rahyudin M.Si, in the opening of the training, explained the importance of Susenas data. With the increasing number of Susenas data users, it will become a challenge for the implementation of Susenas March 2021. The training participants who will later work in the field will certainly play an important role in producing quality Susenas data.
The National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) is important because it is a source of socio-economic data that is used for many purposes. Planning and evaluation of national development programs, through Ministry / Agency policies, rely on information from the Susenas results. Three of the four national development targets, namely poverty, Gini ratio, and Human Development Index (HDI) use Susenas data. To fulfill the evaluation of the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (TPB) indicators, the RPJMN / D and Nawacita indicators are also supported by Susenas results data. Regarding the provision of TPB indicators, as many as 55 of the 136 Indonesian TPB indicators produced by BPS came from Susenas. There are many more uses of Susenas data where BPS is involved in the team, including the preparation of the Youth Development Index, the Cultural Development Index, the Compilation of the SDGs Voluntary National Report, the Mental Revolution Achievement Index, the Child Protection Index, the Child Protection Index, and the Children Special Protection Index. .
Officer training is an important part of the series of Susenas March 2021 activities. In this training, it is hoped that an understanding of the concepts and definitions of the variables that will be collected in the March 2021 Susenas is expected. Strong conceptual understanding at every level, from Intama, Innas, to officers it is very important to produce quality data. In this training, Innas will not only provide material related to concepts and definitions. Materials regarding the SOP for data collection, monitoring of the implementation of activities in the field, as well as checking the documents for the census results will also be delivered by the Innas during the training for the next 3 (three) days. The Head of BPS for Pekalongan City also explained the roles of enumerators and supervisors. Apart from the technical aspects, officers also need to develop effective communication in seeking answers from respondents or probing.