Listing Susenas March 2021 BPS Pekalongan Municipality - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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Listing Susenas March 2021 BPS Pekalongan Municipality

Listing Susenas March 2021 BPS Pekalongan Municipality

March 1, 2021 | BPS Activities

In March 2021, the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) conducted the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) in March 2021. This survey consisted of 2 stages, namely the household registration stage and the household sample enumeration stage. The National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) is the main basis for meeting the government's needs in implementing national development so that it is in line with the international development goals / Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The March 2021 Susenas is one of the BPS routine surveys that provides development data in the social and economic sectors at the national, provincial and district / city levels.

With a total of 51 officers consisting of 15 BPS organic people and 36 BPS partners, BPS Kota Pekalongan is ready to carry out the March 2021 Susenas data collection in 66 census blocks spread across 4 (four) districts. The number of census officers was 33 people, while the supervisory officers were 18 people. The implementation of household registration (Listing) is scheduled for March 1-8, 2021 using the VSEN21.L document and map sketch (WB-2020). Meanwhile, the enumeration of sample households is scheduled for March 10-31, 2021 using the VSEN21.K and VSEN21.KP questionnaires.

The listing begins with a door-to-door search and introduction of the census block and household listings. The enumerator reports and permits to the RT / RW apparatus of the enumeration area, then surrounds the BS and BS boundaries and registers the household and records it into the VSEN21.L document. The listing mechanism (door to door), among others, starts from the building located in the southwest position of each SLS on the selected BS. Then do a listing of physical buildings and census buildings and register households in VSEN21.L. then describe the physical building (BF) with dots () on the sketch map (WB-2020) according to the physical building number on the VSEN21.L list. In this listing, information on household information is extracted, including the local environment unit, physical building, census building, household, head of household, address, education of the head of household, number of household members, whereabouts of children under five, and the whereabouts of pregnant women.

One of the strategies to maintain the quality of Susenas data is to carry out monitoring and inspection activities in stages starting with field officers. The supervisor who carries out the supervisory function of the enumerator goes directly to the field, to find out the performance of the enumerator when interviewing the respondent. The supervisor has a very important role as field coordinator. As a party that is directly related to the enumerator, the supervisor must be able and responsible for solving field problems, as well as being a resource and coordinating the enumerator so that activities run according to procedures and on time. The supervisor has the first control function over the census activity. Supervisors must be able to ensure that each stage of field activities can run according to the Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) and according to a predetermined schedule.
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