Training for Officer Candidates for the Quarterly Household Consumption Special Survey (SKKRT) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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Training for Officer Candidates for the Quarterly Household Consumption Special Survey (SKKRT)

Training for Officer Candidates for the Quarterly Household Consumption Special Survey (SKKRT)

March 17, 2021 | BPS Activities

The National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS) March 2021 has not yet been completed, BPS is again carrying out the Quarterly Household Consumption Survey for 2021. This survey was carried out considering that households are the largest consumers in the Indonesian economy and there is a need to estimate the amount of Household Consumption Expenditure (PKRT). quarter. The PKRT figures will be released every quarter, but at the moment it is only estimating the PKRT figures at the Indonesian and provincial levels.
The implementation of SKKRT in 2021 is no different from 2020. SKKRT is carried out on a quarterly basis, namely in Quarter I (22 March-8 April 2021), Quarter 2 (21 June-1 July 2021), 3rd Quarter (20 September-1 October 2021), and Quarter 4 (1-14 December 2021) with the same respondents as 2020, there were only 8 new respondents as a form of respondent refreshment. The selection of respondents was carried out purposively by considering the amount of income received routinely by households.
With a commitment to maintaining the quality of data generated from SKKRT activities, especially its implementation which is carried out on a quarterly basis, officer training will continue to be carried out in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. The training of SKKRT officers in 2021 is very different from the training of SKKRT officers in 2020. Apart from being carried out online, this training is also carried out simultaneously throughout the Central Java Province BPS with national instructors from BPS RI. Training for SKKRT Officers of BPS Central Java Province in 2021 took place online on March 17, 2021 which was attended by 35 districts / cities and divided into five classes. Each class consists of 31 participants with five national instructors and a zoom meeting administrator.
BPS Kota Pekalongan took the initiative to participate in online training for SKKRT officers together. This is done to minimize technical disturbances during the training and can immediately discuss if there are still prospective officers who are not clear regarding the explanation given by the Innas. Given that in addition to zoom meetings, training also uses e- facilities. Nobar, which is carried out by the BPS of Pekalongan City, still observes the Health protocol as a form of anticipation of the spread of Covid-19. Candidates for SKKRT officers from BPS Pekalongan City join other candidates for SKKRT officers from other City BPS in Central Java, plus BPS for Brebes Regency and representatives from Provincial BPS with national instructor Fatma Yuliana, S.ST, Staff of the Foreign Account Section of the BPS Capital and Foreign Accounts Subdirectorate RI. Nobar is held in the PST (Integrated Statistics Service) room from 8 to 13.00 WIB. The training ran smoothly as seen from the value of the in-depth examination of the candidates for SKKRT officers in the City of Pekalongan City, which was better than the previous pretest scores. Hopefully this value will be followed by improving the quality of SKKRT data from BPS Pekalongan City in 2021. Amien (AM).
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