TRAINING PROSPECTIVE REGIONAL INSTRUCTORS OF PODES 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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May 18, 2021 | BPS Activities

From June 2-30, BPS will hold Village Potential Data Collection 2021 (Podes2021). Planning and evaluation of regional / territorial development and regional development requires the availability of data and statistical information at the level of the smallest government area. The need for regional data and information down to the smallest area is increasingly diverse and must be met. Among the uses of the Podes data are calculating the Village Index and Geographical Difficulty Ondeks. Village Index (ID) for evaluation of village development. Including the Geographical Difficulty Index (IKG) becomes the central data for villages in the context of allocating village funds. In addition, it is also to fulfill the completeness of data for the publication of Regions in Figures (DDA), other publications related to area, determining the classification of urban / rural, etc. The data from the Village Potential data collection (Podes) is able to describe the potential of an area at the village, sub-district, and district / city levels throughout Indonesia.
Podes data collection precedes Census activities (two years before the census) conducted by BPS. Updating Podes is carried out annually for years where Podes are not implemented. Podes data collection in 2021, which is 2 years before the 2023 Agricultural Census. Data collection uses the Android-based CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview) application, inspection and monitoring using an online web application.
The series of activities prior to data collection included Intama training, Innas training, Inda training and officer training. Currently going through the Regional Instructor (Inda) yana training stage which will last for 3 days, namely 18-21 May 2021. This training is held online through zoom online and The number of Inda candidate participants being trained is around 64 people at BPS Central Java who are divided into 3 classes. Later this Regional Instructor will train enumerators and supervisors of Podes in each City District.
Training is a very important stage in the data collection process. Before going to the field, officers will be provided with material on the concept of definitions related to the 2021 Podes Survey, standard operational procedures for the 2021 podes enumeration, as well as an ICS android application guide that will be used in the Podes 2021 data collection later.
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