Mental Revolution Training for Strengthening a Clean, Serving and Responsive Bureaucratic Culture - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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Mental Revolution Training for Strengthening a Clean, Serving and Responsive Bureaucratic Culture

Mental Revolution Training for Strengthening a Clean, Serving and Responsive Bureaucratic Culture

August 5, 2021 | Other Activities

BPS Pekalongan City sent one of its employees, namely Nurul Kurniasih as the Change Agent Network (CAN) of BPS Pekalongan City to take part in the Mental Revolution Training held by the Center for Technical and Social Cultural Competence Development of the Indonesian State Administration Agency (LAN). This training will be held from 28 July to 24 September 2021.

The Mental Revolution is one of the seven development agendas in the national priority program in the 2020-2024 RPJMN. President Joko Widodo hopes that through a Mental Revolution and proper Governance, it can support the realization of the achievement of the Indonesian Golden Generation 2045 by increasing the work culture of friendly, fast public services. , effective, efficient and reliable. Through the Mental Revolution Training for Strengthening a Clean, Serving and Responsive Bureaucratic Culture, it is hoped that change agents will be formed who will implement a mental revolution in their respective work units.

In this training, all participants learned about the Concepts, Policies, and Needs of a Mental Revolution to Strengthen a Clean, Serving and Responsive Bureaucratic Culture; Public Service Culture Transformation in the Digital Age; Thought Attitude Transformation; Organizational Culture Diagnostic Techniques; Organizational Culture Change Strategy; and Transformation of a Clean, Serving and Responsive Bureaucratic Culture. This training is held online by combining independent learning methods and meetings through zoom meetings. A total of 25 participants from various ministries/institutions were also given the final task to prepare the Bureaucratic Cultural Transformation Plan (RTBB) which would later be actualized in their respective work units.
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