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Groundcheck Mobile Positioning Data (MPD)
October 26, 2021 | BPS Activities
The team from the BPS Distribution Statistics function of Pekalongan City provided assistance to the Central Java Province BPS team who visited Pekalongan City in the context of ground-checking Mobile Positioning Data (MPD) of tourist attraction objects.
MPD is one of BPS' efforts to utilize big data to obtain data, especially in the tourism sector. MPD technology can be used to calculate foreign tourist visits as well as monitor the movement of domestic tourists traveling within the country and abroad to calculate the economic impact on tourist destinations. MPD is considered to be able to produce valid, accurate and real-time data in the distribution of data to calculate the movement of foreign tourists in Indonesia.
The movement of foreign tourists can be seen through roaming data obtained from every internet usage transaction recorded in a "log", and the "log" forms a "data set". MPD will trace the data set from the coordinates of the location on the smart phone in the cellular network using GPS and smartphone navigation when the service is used by the user.
In this MPD groundcheck activity, interviews were also conducted with the management of the Tourist Attractions about the impact of the pandemic on the sustainability of the DTW Objects and also the innovations made to attract people's interest in visiting tourism objects.
Everyone hopes that after the number of Covid-19 cases subsides, public visits to tourist objects will gradually return to normal as usual.