BPS Integrity Zone Evaluation Desk for Pekalongan City Towards WBBM 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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BPS Integrity Zone Evaluation Desk for Pekalongan City Towards WBBM 2021

BPS Integrity Zone Evaluation Desk for Pekalongan City Towards WBBM 2021

November 12, 2021 | Other Activities

On November 12, BPS Pekalongan City received an invitation from the KemenpanRB to take part in a desk evaluation of the Year Integrity Zone within the Central Bureau of Statistics in 2021 which was held through a zoom meeting. There are a total of 137 work units that have passed the administration and preliminary evaluation, invited to attend the evaluation desk of the Integrity Zone at the Central Statistics Agency in 2021 from 12-17 November 2021. A total of 20 work units participated in the 2021 Integrity Zone evaluation desk by submitting the WBBM predicate ( Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Areas), and 117 work units participated in the 2021 Integrity Zone evaluation desk by submitting the WBK (Corruption Free Area) predicate.

In the midst of busy routine survey activities, SItasi, Pre-Updating SP 2020 Long Form, and other activities, BPS Pekalongan City is still eager to prepare to take part in the evaluation desk of the Integrity Zone within the Central Statistics Agency in 2021 for the submission of the WBBM predicate. Starting from the preparation of LKE, Expose, survey customer list SHPRB, and others.

BPS Pekalongan City had the opportunity to take part in this evaluation desk at 13.30-15.00, which was tested by 2 team evaluators from the KemenpanRB namely Mrs. Etika and Mrs. Nafi. For 1.5 hours BPS Pekalongan City participated in this event smoothly without any obstacles. The first 30 minutes were filled with presentations by Mr. Drs. Rahyudin, MSi, and the next 60 minutes was a discussion session filled with questions from the evaluators of the KemenpanRB Team.

In his presentation, Drs. Rahyudin, M.Si explained the achievements of the Integrity Zone development activities in 6 areas of changes that have been carried out (before and after) that have been carried out after receiving the WBK (Corruption Free Area) predicate, identification and mitigation of integrity risks in services to work units, development efforts sectoral data conducted to K/L/D/I, BPS partner recruitment patterns and data quality monitoring from BPS partners, efforts to maintain survey data security, efforts to synchronize one regional data and release regional data in numbers, and innovations to improve service, performance , and strengthening integrity.

The discussion and question and answer session was filled with 11 questions from the evaluators, thank God the eleven questions were answered smoothly. In addition, a demonstration of the Pekalongan City BPS innovation application was also carried out, including the Siaga, Canting, Sidomukti applications.
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