Ground Check for 2022 Research and Research Data PMT results begins! - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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Ground Check for 2022 Research and Research Data PMT results begins!

Ground Check for 2022 Research and Research Data PMT results begins!

January 16, 2023 | BPS Activities

Pekalongan City BPS carried out Ground Check (GC) Proxy Means Testing (PMT) 2022 Research and Research Data activities on January 11-16 2023. This activity was carried out in 4 RTs spread across several sub-districts in Pekalongan City. The sub-districts in question are Bendan Kergon, Gamer, Klego, and Kandang Panjang.

The GC officers consist of 4 BPS employees of Pekalongan City. They visit their families to cross-check related welfare conditions. The end result of this GC activity is to conclude whether the results of the PMT model are in accordance with the conditions in Pekalongan City.
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