2023 DDA FGD and Pekalongan City Sectoral Statistics Development - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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2023 DDA FGD and Pekalongan City Sectoral Statistics Development

2023 DDA FGD and Pekalongan City Sectoral Statistics Development

February 16, 2023 | Other Activities

FGD Formulation of Regions in Figures 2023 and Development of Sectoral Statistics

The City of Pekalongan carried out a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Regional Arrangement in Figures 2023 (16/2) in the Muria room of the Howard Jhonson Hotel, Pekalongan City. The FGD event was attended by OPD as data producer in Pekalongan City, Diskominfo as walidata, and BPS as data supervisor. The FGS event was opened by the Regional Secretary of Pekalongan City, Ir. Anita Heru Kusumorini, M.Sc and he also hopes that the good collaboration will be maintained for quality data. The FGD aims to confirm the 2023 DDA data collected. Furthermore, this data will be compiled and published into the publication of Pekalongan City in Figures 2023. In addition, sectoral statistics development is also carried out for the realization of One Indonesian Data with sources from Pekalongan City BPS.
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