Training for Enumeration Officers for the PMTB Disaggregation Preparation Survey 2023 BPS Central Ja - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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Training for Enumeration Officers for the PMTB Disaggregation Preparation Survey 2023 BPS Central Ja

Training for Enumeration Officers for the PMTB Disaggregation Preparation Survey 2023 BPS Central Ja

February 27, 2023 | Other Activities

After two years of survey respondents (Gross Fixed Capital Formation) 2023 were only departmental, this year the PMTB Disaggregation Survey respondents returned to many and varied categories like the first year this survey was carried out. Therefore, officer training will be conducted offline and will be held on 21-24 February 2023 located at Harris Hotel Sentraland Semarang. The training was attended by participants from Regency/Municipal BPS, Provincial BPS and invited guests from the OPD (Regional Apparatus Organization) of Central Java Province. The training event was officially opened by the Head of BPS Central Java Province, Mr. Ir. Adhi Wiriana, M.Sc.
The training was divided into 7 (seven) classes with three national instructors from BPS RI and four BPS Central Java Province. The national instructors from BPS RI are Mr. Sugiarto, S.ST, M.SE, Mrs. Fitri Andri Astuti, S.ST., M.SE., and Mr. Faiszal Faqih Bachtiar, S.ST, while the national instructors are from the Provincial BPS Central Java, namely Mrs. Hayu Wuranti, S.Si, Mrs. Dra. Eny Pramudyastuti, Mrs. Maharanny Diwid Prasetyawati, S.ST. M.Sc, and Mrs. Hesti Susilowati, S.ST. Pekalongan City BPS participants had the opportunity to study in Class F with Mrs. Maharanny Diwid Prasetyawati Maharani as their National Instructor. Officers participated in the training enthusiastically even though the material presented was quite solid which had to be completed in four days starting from explaining the concept and definition of fixed assets to how to fill out 15 questionnaires for each questionnaire which included: Service questionnaires in 10 categories, Financial Corporation questionnaires , the Non-financial Corporation questionnaire, the Village APBD questionnaire, the Household questionnaire, and the LNPRT questionnaire.
Given the importance of the PMTB Disaggregation Preparation Survey in the calculation of GRDP, especially GRDP according to expenditure, which is an indicator of economic growth in a region. Therefore, it takes the cooperation and support of all parties, from the City Government, financial and non-financial companies to households to make this survey a success. One of them is by receiving officers who come and provide accurate and updated data. By providing accurate and updated data, the economic growth of Pekalongan City can be better described.
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