Degayu Village, Beautiful Village, Pekalongan City - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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Degayu Village, Beautiful Village, Pekalongan City

Degayu Village, Beautiful Village, Pekalongan City

October 30, 2023 | Other Activities

In order to cultivate a culture of data-based development planning at the village/sub-district level, the Pekalongan City Central Statistics Agency launched the Cantik Village (Statistics Love Village) program. In the 2022 fiscal year, Degayu Village, North Pekalongan District, was selected as the object of the Beautiful Village program in Pekalongan City.

As a first step, socialization and launch of the Beautiful Village was carried out on Monday (30/10) at the Degayu Village Office which was attended by the Head of North Pekalongan Subdistrict and his staff. Meanwhile, the OPD elements present were representatives of Dinkominfo, Bappeda, DPMPPA, and Social Services as well as village heads and representatives of the North Pekalongan sub-district.

It is hoped that the development of Beautiful Villages can improve the implementation of statistical activities at the sub-district level, such as collecting, processing and presenting data.

After remarks from the Head of Degayu Village and the Head of North Pekalongan Subdistrict, the presentation continued from Drs. Rahyudin, M.Sc. as Head of BPS Pekalongan City who conveyed the importance of data up to the sub-district level in the development planning process for sub-districts such as in Degayu Sub-district.

With the launch of Desa Cantik, we hope that data can be realized through one door, so that there is no overlap between different data and the quality of data management in Degayu Village will increase.
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