The harvested area for rice in 2020 is 1.67 million hectares, a decrease of 0.69 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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The harvested area for rice in 2020 is 1.67 million hectares, a decrease of 0.69 percent

The harvested area for rice in 2020 is 1.67 million hectares, a decrease of 0.69 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : March 2, 2021
File Size : 2.54 MB


• The rice harvested area in 2020 was 1.67 million hectares, a decrease of 0.01 million hectares or 0.69 percent compared to 2019 which amounted to 1.68 million hectares.

• Rice production in 2020 was 9.49 million tons of milled dry unhulled rice (GKG), decreased by 0.17 million tons or 1.72 percent compared to 2019 which amounted to 9.66 million tons of GKG.

• When viewed from the subround, there was an increase in rice production in the September-December 2020 subround, which was 0.37 million tons of GKG (25.66 percent) compared to 2019. The decrease in occurred in on the January-April and May-August subround, namely respectively 0.47 million tons of GKG (10.20 percent) and 0.06 million tons of GKG (1.78 percent).
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