Economic Growth of Jawa Tengah Province Q-1 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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Economic Growth of Jawa Tengah Province Q-1 2021

Economic Growth of Jawa Tengah Province Q-1 2021Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 6, 2021
File Size : 1.04 MB


  • Jawa Tengah's economy in Quarter I-2021 still contracted by -0.87 percent (y on y), however, the conditions were better than in Quarter II-IV of 2020 which contracted deeper in the range of -3 to -5 percent (y- on-y). 
  • From the production side, the contraction occurred in 11 business fields with the deepest contraction experienced by the Transportation and Warehousing business fields of -31.04 percent. 
  • Meanwhile, from the expenditure side, the one that experienced the deepest contraction resulting in negative growth was the component of imports of goods and services amounting to -2.28 percent.
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