Central Java's exports in August 2021 reached US$967.60 million - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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Central Java's exports in August 2021 reached US$967.60 million

Central Java's exports in August 2021 reached US$967.60 millionDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : October 5, 2021
File Size : 1.27 MB


The export value of Central Java in August 2021 was US$967.60 million, an increase of 18.56 percent compared to exports in July 2021. Likewise, when compared to exports in August 2020, it increased by 46.91 percent.
The import value of Central Java in August 2021 was US$ 1 137.37 million, an increase of 53.34 percent compared to imports in July 2021. Likewise, when compared to the import value of August 2020, it increased by 73.79 percent.
Central Java's trade balance in August 2021 was a deficit of US$ 169.77 million. The oil and gas trade balance experienced a deficit of US$ 384.18 million, while the non-oil and gas trade balance experienced a surplus of US$ 214.41 million.
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