In September 2023 the number of domestic flight passengers to Central Java was 99,086 people, down 28.22 percent and the number of arrivals (debarkations) of sea transport passengers was 33,876 people, down 11.24 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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In September 2023 the number of domestic flight passengers to Central Java was 99,086 people, down 28.22 percent and the number of arrivals (debarkations) of sea transport passengers was 33,876 people, down 11.24 percent

In September 2023 the number of domestic flight passengers to Central Java was 99,086 people, down 28.22 percent and the number of arrivals (debarkations) of sea transport passengers was 33,876 people, down 11.24 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 13, 2023
File Size : 1.46 MB


  • In September 2023 in Central Java, the number of departures (embarkations) of commercial air transport passengers was 99,873 people, down 26.32 percent compared to August 2023 which was recorded at 135,546 people.
  • The number of arrivals (debarkations) of commercial air transport passengers was 99,951 people, down 30.22 percent compared to August 2023 which was recorded at 143,240 people.
  • The number of departures (embarkations) of maritime transport passengers via the sea ports of Tanjung Emas, Karimunjawa and Jepara was 36,093 people, down 5.27 percent compared to August 2023, which was 38,100 people. Meanwhile, the number of arrivals (debarkations) of sea transport passengers was 33,876 people, down 11.24 percent compared to August 2023, which was 38,165 people.
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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