Central Java Economic Growth in Quarter III-2023 grew 1.03 Percent (Q-to-Q), grew 4.92 Percent (Y-on-Y) and Cumulative Central Java Economy up to Quarter III-2023 grew 5.07 Percent ( C-to-C) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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Central Java Economic Growth in Quarter III-2023 grew 1.03 Percent (Q-to-Q), grew 4.92 Percent (Y-on-Y) and Cumulative Central Java Economy up to Quarter III-2023 grew 5.07 Percent ( C-to-C)

Central Java Economic Growth in Quarter III-2023 grew 1.03 Percent (Q-to-Q), grew 4.92 Percent (Y-on-Y) and Cumulative Central Java Economy up to Quarter III-2023 grew 5.07 Percent ( C-to-C)Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 13, 2023
File Size : 1.71 MB


  • Central Java's economy in the third quarter of 2023 based on GRDP at current prices (ADHB) reached IDR 428,615.38 billion and at constant prices (ADHK) in 2010 it reached IDR 277,865.85 billion
  • Central Java's economy in Quarter III-2023 grew 4.92 percent (y-on-y), slowing down from the achievement in Quarter II-2022 which grew 5.24 percent (y-on-y).
  • In terms of production, the highest growth was achieved by the Information and Communication business sector at 12.60 percent. Meanwhile, in terms of expenditure, the highest increase was recorded in the Consumption Expenditure Component of Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households (PK-LNPRT), namely 7.14 percent.
  • Structurally, the Processing Industry business sector dominates the economic structure in Quarter III-2023 with a contribution of 33.74 percent, while in terms of expenditure it is dominated by the Household Consumption Expenditure Component (PK-RT) with a contribution of 60.80 percent.
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