People's Welfare Indicators of Pekalongan Municipality 2024, Volume 11 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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People's Welfare Indicators of Pekalongan Municipality 2024, Volume 11

Catalog Number : 4102004.3375
Publication Number : 33750.24023
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : December 31, 2024
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 3.36 MB


The People's Welfare Indicators for Pekalongan City in 2024 is a compilation of various data and information selected to provide an overview of the development of the lives and well-being of the people in Pekalongan City. These indicators cover population, family planning, education, health, employment, housing, purchasing power measured through household expenditure, and religious buildings. The complex and multi-dimensional nature of social conditions means that not all aspects can be captured in these indicators. Therefore, this presentation includes statistical data and information that can describe the level of community well-being as a result of development (output indicator), as well as various other statistical data and information included in input indicators and process indicators.
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