October 30, 2019 | BPS Activities
Metadata is structured information that describes, explains, finds, or at least makes information easy to find, use or manage. Metadata is often referred to as data about data or information about information. This metadata contains information about the contents of a data that is used for file / data management purposes later in a database. If the data is in the form of text, the metadata is usually in the form of information about the name of the field, the length of the field, and the type of the field: integer, character, date, etc. For this type of image data, the metadata contains information about who the photographer is, when the picture was taken, and the camera settings at the time of the photo shoot. One more for the type of data in the form of a collection of files, the metadata is the file names, file types, and the name of the manager (administrator) of these files.
Law Number 16 of 1997 concerning Statistics and Government Regulation Number 51 of 1999 concerning the Implementation of Statistics mandates the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) to carry out its duties and responsibilities as coordinator of statistical activities in Indonesia. In carrying out these tasks BPS performs the functions of Coordination, Integration, Standardization, and Synchronization. Accordingly, BPS should be able to be a reference for the implementation of statistical activities and provide statistical activities consulting services to the organizers of statistical activities. In fact, specifically for government agencies, BPS can provide statistical activity recommendations.
Meanwhile, based on its utilization, statistics in Indonesia are divided into 3 (three) types, namely basic, sectoral, and special statistics. This is in accordance with article 5 of Law Number 16 of 1997. Basic and sectoral statistics of its utilization are open to the public, unless otherwise stipulated by applicable laws and regulations. Meanwhile, the special statistics on its utilization are not open, but everyone has the same opportunity to know and use it.
As the coordinator of statistical activities, BPS provides metadata information stored in the Statistical Reference Information System (SIRuSa). This information is accessed by anyone, anytime, anywhere because it is built on a web-based basis. However, to improve access to metadata information, metadata summaries are also provided in printed and electronic publications that can be used stand-alone or not have to be connected to the internet.
To meet this need, all BPS work units throughout Indonesia collect sectoral / special metadata to OPD and also companies that have conducted statistical activities both in the form of censuses, surveys, and compilation of administrative products. The collection of sectoral / special metadata this year was carried out in the January-December 2019 period. For Pekalongan City, sectoral / special metadata data collection was carried out by visiting OPDs or companies that had carried out statistical activities, such as Bappeda, the Health Office, and other OPD. The person responsible for the activity is the Integration Processing and Dissemination Statistics Section (IPDS) of Pekalongan City.