Special Survey on Household Savings and Investment (SKTIR) Training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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Special Survey on Household Savings and Investment (SKTIR) Training

Special Survey on Household Savings and Investment (SKTIR) Training

May 24, 2021 | BPS Activities

BPS Central Java Province once again held a Special Survey on Household Savings and Investment (SKTIR) training with household respondents on May 24-25, 2021, who were still thick with the atmosphere of Eid. SKTIR training is divided into three classes with National Instructors directly from BPS RI.

Pekalongan City BPS is part of SKTIR 3 class with 5 other City BPS plus 4 Regency BPS. The National Instructors who teach are Aisah, S.ST, M.P.P, who are assigned to the BPS RI Foreign Accounts section.

Why do so many surveys have household respondents? Is it still not enough that all household data needs are obtained from SUSENAS or SKKRT? When viewed from an economic point of view, the data obtained from SUSENAS and SKKRT is still not sufficient to explore economic activities carried out by households. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out additional surveys such as SKTIR to obtain this data.

Well, it turns out that there is a lot of data that can be extracted from household respondents. This cannot be separated from the large role of households in the economy at the national level, Central Java Province and Pekalongan City. The role of households both as providers of production factors and as the largest consumer of goods and services available in an economy.

Field data collection for SKTIR activities will be carried out in August 2021. It needs sufficient preparation, especially regarding the understanding of the concept and definition of SKTIR survey activities which refer to the concepts and definitions of the 2018 SNA.

It is hoped that the officers have mastered the concepts and definitions of SKTIR activities so that asking questions to respondents can be more relevant. In addition, it is also hoped that officers can improve their probing skills in digging questions from respondents.

Given the importance of data obtained from SKTIR activities in the formulation of a region's economy, we ask that the data friends who were selected as respondents be willing to accept our officers well and be able to give honest answers to our officers.

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