Expenditure Balance Annual Special Survey Training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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Expenditure Balance Annual Special Survey Training

Expenditure Balance Annual Special Survey Training

July 3, 2023 | Other Activities

The Central Bureau of Statistics for the City of Pekalongan presents data on economic growth by calculating the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) both according to business field and according to expenditure. In calculating GRDP, data sources are very important. Availability of quality data is key in calculating GRDP.

On 3 and 4 July 2023 BPS City of Pekalongan conducted training on the Annual Special Expenditure Balance Survey. Expenditure Balance Annual Special Survey Training is held to train officers who will later collect data on various surveys which will later become the source of data in calculating GRDP Expenditures. To ensure the quality of the data collected, concepts and definitions were conveyed to officers in training prior to carrying out field data collection. The quality of the data needs to be monitored starting from the preparation of the enumeration to the processing before it will be further analyzed and reused as a source of data for calculating GRDP for expenditures.

The training was held in the BPS hall of Pekalongan City by training 4 candidates for enumeration officers and 2 candidates for examiners. With training prior to field implementation, it is hoped that officers will master the concept of definition so that they can carry out data collection properly and produce quality data. Quality data can be used as an evaluation tool as well as a source of data that can be used as a basis for good development.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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