August Rice Tiles - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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August Rice Tiles

August Rice Tiles

August 26, 2020 | Other Activities

The Rice Tiles Survey is a routine survey conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics in every subround with the main objective of obtaining information on rice productivity. The survey sampling design for rice paddy commodities uses an area approach based on the results of the Integrated Food Crops Agricultural Statistics Data Collection with the Area Sample Frame (KSA) method using observation points on the sub-segment according to the rice growth phase. The success of this survey was determined by intention, determination, and sincerity. To support the need for optimal data collection, BPS is reviewing changes in data collection modes, from Paper and Pancil Interviewing (PAPI) to Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI), where interviews are conducted with the help of an android smartphone. The main benefits obtained from the CAPI method are increased data quality, timeliness, and cost savings.
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