The Poverty Rate in Pekalongan City Increases in 2020. - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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The Poverty Rate in Pekalongan City Increases in 2020.

The Poverty Rate in Pekalongan City Increases in 2020.

December 1, 2020 | Other Activities

The calculation of the poverty rate is sourced from the National Socioeconomic Survey (SUSENAS) conducted by BPS in March and September. The poverty rate in Pekalongan City increases in 2020. It is recorded that the poverty line in Pekalongan City in 2020 is 502,031 rupiah / capita / month. The poverty line is the differentiator between the poor and the non-poor. The number of poor people in this period reached 22.16 thousand inhabitants. The percentage of poor people to the total population in Pekalongan City in 2020 is 7.17 percent. The poverty depth index which describes the average distance of expenditure of the poor to the poverty line in 2020 in Pekalongan City is 1.28. The poverty severity index in 2020 is 0.30 points in 2020. This index measures the inequality of spending among the poor.
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