PODES 2021 training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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PODES 2021 training

PODES 2021 training

May 27, 2021 | BPS Activities

Village Potential Data Collection (Podes) is a data collection on the availability of infrastructure and potential owned by each administrative area at the village / sub-district, sub-district, and district / city level throughout Indonesia. Implemented in all government administrative areas at the village level including villages, sub-districts, nagari, Transmigration Settlement Units (UPT), and Transmigration Settlement Units (SPT) which are still being fostered by relevant ministries throughout Indonesia.
Based on the results of the Updating Podes 2020, there are 84,038 areas at the village level, 7,263 districts, 514 districts / cities and 34 provinces. Field implementation starts from 2 - 30 June 2021 simultaneously throughout Indonesia, using the Android-based CAPI application, while the inspection and monitoring uses an online web application.
For the implementation of the training for PODES 2021 candidates, they still use the zoom meeting facility from 27 May - 29 May 2021. There are 26 training participants from Banyumas Regency, 20 people from Pekalongan City, and 6 from Pekalongan City, assisted by Ms. , SE, M.Si.
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