PPKM (Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities) does not reduce our enthusiasm - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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PPKM (Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities) does not reduce our enthusiasm

PPKM (Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities) does not reduce our enthusiasm

July 30, 2021 | Other Activities

The 100% WFH (Work from Home) policy as a follow-up to the implementation of PPKM since July 3, 2021 does not prevent BPS from completing Pekalongan City's financial reports on time. Intensive coordination with all parties, both the Pekalongan City BPS Administration Team, Pekalongan KPPN and with the Central Java Province BPS is the key to the success of Pekalongan City BPS BPS in completing financial reports on time. The cohesiveness of the Pekalongan City BPS Administration Team was also tested in the reporting of the times. And Alhamdullilah managed to surpass it when at the same time there was a request for a Permindok from the BPK and sad news from the family of one of the Administration Team.
Making financial reports this semester has its own challenges compared to the previous semester. In addition to the challenges related to more severe coordination with the 100% WFH policy, another challenge is the time of readiness to use inventory and BMN applications is very close to the closed period. This condition forced the Administration Team to be willing to stay up late, including celebrating Eid al-Adha by looking at the financial reports of BPS Pekalongan City in front of a laptop. Nevertheless, the Pekalongan City BPS Administration Team did it sincerely because it was a manifestation of BPS core values ​​and the commitment of BPS Pekalongan City as an institution that had won the WBK predicate.
Many things are discussed in this financial report from the realization of income and expenditure to inventory. In line with the government's seriousness in handling the pandemic and following directions from the Central Java Provincial BPS and BPS RI, the Pekalongan City BPS also made several adjustments to activities and budgets for handling the COVID-19 pandemic. During semester 1 of 2021, BPS Pekalongan City has realized spending for handling the pandemic by 27.04 percent. These expenditures include expenditure on operational goods, expenditure on non-operational goods, and expenditure on operational services. In terms of percentage, operational goods expenditure has the highest percentage, which is 76.77 percent compared to the other two spending accounts. This account is related to the purchase of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and multivitamins to increase endurance given to employees and partners who become field officers.
The realization of spending for handling the COVID-19 pandemic which has the second highest percentage is operational service spending, which is 22.79 percent. This account is related to the payment for the rapid antigen test for officers who want to go to the field. Although in terms of percentage it is smaller than operational goods expenditure, but in terms of nominal it has the highest contribution.
The lowest rank in the realization of spending on handling the COVID-19 pandemic was the realization of non-operational goods spending which reached 21.25 percent. One of the realizations of this account spending is the purchase of a zoom meeting package for officer training as an alternative to face-to-face officer training.
From the three realizations of goods expenditures, it proves that the BPS of Pekalongan City has also participated in handling the Covid-19 pandemic, especially related to preventing its spread. By equipping PPE for each officer who goes to the field, including convincing respondents that the officers who go to the field are healthy and non-reactive, it is hoped that respondents do not need to be afraid to open the door for officers who come by still paying attention to health protocols.
Hopefully, after the end of the emergency PPKM, the Covid-19 pandemic will end soon so that activities can run normally so that it is hoped that the economy of Pekalongan City can revive.
Stay safe and healthy.
Badan Pusat Statistik

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