MSBP Susenas Enumeration September 2021 BPS Pekalongan City - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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MSBP Susenas Enumeration September 2021 BPS Pekalongan City

MSBP Susenas Enumeration September 2021 BPS Pekalongan City

September 21, 2021 | BPS Activities

The National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) is one of the routine surveys of BPS which is the main source of data for development activities in the social and economic fields. Data and information generated from Susenas are always awaited and become a reference for various parties, both government and private. Susenas data has been widely used by various groups, both at home and abroad. The indicators generated from the Susenas are also the main reference for monitoring the progress of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) every year until 2030. Susenas data also supports 5 of the 7 development agendas of the 2020-2024 RPJMN.
This September, BPS again conducts data collection for the National Socio-Economic Survey. National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) Socio-Cultural and Educational Module (MSBP) 2021. The MSBP Susenas was first conducted in 1994. The indicators produced from the 2021 Susenas MSBP include social welfare indicators, cultural indicators, and education supporting indicators. Susenas MSBP 2021 supports 2 of the 7 development agendas, namely increasing quality and competitive human resources, and mental revolution and cultural development. The questionnaires used included the Susenas Questionnaire for the Socio-Cultural and Educational Module (VSEN21.MSBP) and the Consumption/Expenditure Questionnaire (VSEN21.KP). The MSBP questionnaire (VSEN21.MSBP) contains Demographics of Population Identification Numbers, Ownership of clothing, frequency of eating, & sleeping facilities, Health & recreation, Media access, Toddlers, Togetherness, Functional disorders, Sports, Culture and Savings Ownership, School participation, Activities school & education costs, Social relations, Employment, household social culture, housing, social protection, sources of household income. While the KP questionnaire (VSEN21.KP) includes consumption and expenditure of food ingredients, beverage ingredients, and cigarettes, non-food goods expenditures, income, revenues, and non-consumption expenses.
The MSBP 2021 Susenas data collection includes 75,000 households in the regular census block, excluding those living in special census blocks, such as military complexes and the like as well as special households located in the regular census blocks. The number of Susenas MSBP samples at BPS Pekalongan City is 15 census blocks.
The pandemic that has occurred to date has caused the need for changes to the mechanism for implementing the Susenas Module for Social Culture and Education (MSBP) 2021. The changes that have occurred include changes in schedules and changes in methodology. Activities and implementation schedule. Identification of Sample Households in Susenas MSBP 2021 is scheduled for 17-20 September 2021. Meanwhile, the enumeration of sample households is on 21 September - 16 October 2021. Officers are provided with BS Map Sketches
(WB-2020) as a tool to identify the selected Census Block areas as samples; VSEN21.IDENT (List of Household Identification in Census Block); VSEN21.DSRT (Selected Household Sample List); VSEN21.MSBP (Socio-Cultural and Educational Module Questionnaire); and VSEN21.KP(Consumption/Expenditure Questionnaire)
Maintaining the quality of Susenas data is something that must really be considered and is a shared responsibility between the center and the regions. One strategy to maintain the quality of Susenas data is to carry out surveillance and inspection activities in stages starting from field officers. Supervisors who perform the supervisory function of the enumerator must go directly to the field, not just wait for the results of the enumeration without knowing the performance of the enumerator when interviewing respondents. Supervisors have a very important role as field coordinators. As a party that is directly related to the enumerator, the supervisor must be able and responsible for solving field problems, as well as being a resource person and coordinating the enumerator so that activities run according to procedures and on time. The moral hazard behavior of the enumerator, such as: disobeying the enumeration procedure, not carrying out a complete enumeration, changing respondents, changing the respondent's characteristics (age, marital status, educational status, etc.), and "counting on the table" is a big challenge for the enumerator. supervisor. The supervisor holds the first control function of the enumeration activities. Supervisors must be able to ensure that every stage of field activities can run according to Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and according to a predetermined schedule.
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