Visitor From BPS Kudus Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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Visitor From BPS Kudus Regency

Visitor From BPS Kudus Regency

December 3, 2021 | Other Activities

BPS Kota Pekalongan received a visit from BPS Kabupaten Kudus on Friday, December 3, 2021. The team from BPS Kabupaten Kudus consisted of 8 people led by Ir. Hasbi Iqbal M.Si. The purpose of this visit is a comparative study regarding the Integrity Zone towards the WBK-WBBM predicate.

Many tips were conveyed by Drs. Rahyudin M.Si in realizing a working unit with the WBK (Corruption Free Area) predicate. In his presentation, the Head of BPS Pekalongan City conveyed tips on the logical framework for the assessment of WBK and WBBM, the leverage aspect was 60% and the outcome aspect was 40%. Starting with the management of changes carried out in the governance pillar, structuring the HR management system, strengthening supervision, and performance accountability. The activities of the four pillars resulted in an increase in the quality of public services, with the aim of realizing a clean government, free of KKN, and the realization of the quality of public services to the community. Also presented were matters relating to the determination of work units with WBK and WBBM predicates consisting of the requirements for total scores, minimum leverage values, and minimum value weights for each predicate.

In addition, the innovations carried out by the BPS for the City of Pekalongan were also conveyed. In making an innovation, an innovation proposal is needed that outlines the area of ​​change, type of innovation, background, goals to be achieved, work plan, before/after impact, and also whether the innovation has been replicated by other units/satkers. Until now, BPS has made 15 innovations, consisting of 9 innovations before WBK predicate and 6 innovations after WBK predicate / submitted during WBBM. 9 innovations before BPS Pekalongan City won the WBK (Corruption Free Area) predicate, including the Canting application, the library circle, the Pavilion (PST visitor questionnaire), the Diary for the Acceleration of publication and data release, the Metaroman Team, Corona, and Monika online. Meanwhile, the innovations made by BPS of Pekalongan City after being predicated as WBK include Kawung, Sidomukti, Siaga, Ala Ketan, SASKAMU, and Team Metaroman.

During this visit, the team from the Kudus Regency BPS also consulted on how the coordination was carried out to move the team to produce innovation, the steps for the SHPRB survey, and steps to improve the weak pillar values. Hopefully in the future BPS Kudus Regency can achieve the WBK (Corruption Free Area) predicate.
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