BPS Kendal Regency Visiting Us - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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BPS Kendal Regency Visiting Us

BPS Kendal Regency Visiting Us

December 9, 2021 | Other Activities

BPS Kendal Regency is led directly by the Head, Dra. Ummi Hastuti, M.Si, visited BPS Pekalongan City on Wednesday and Thursday (8-9 December 2021). The purpose of this visit is to study existing change programs and innovations.

On the first day, Drs. Rahyudin, M.Si and his innovation team explained all the change and innovation programs at BPS Pekalongan City. In addition, the Pekalongan City CANTING (Important Notes) application and SIDOMUKTI (Easy, Fast and Integrated Online Data Service System) are also discussed.

The visit continued on the second day by discussing the behind-the-scenes details of the Pekalongan City BPS PST videotron, the innovation of Bundar Pustaka (PST Library Online Visitor Book), ANJUNGAN (PST Service Visitor Questionnaire), Pekalongan City BPS E-Office applications and also the CORONA innovation ( Contact Online Respondents and Friends). BPS Kabupaten Kendal plans to replicate several innovations from BPS Kota Pekalongan. In addition to studying the program of changes and innovations, a visit was also made to the Integrated Statistics Center (PST) of BPS Pekalongan City.

This visit is expected to strengthen the relationship between the two working units as well as to share knowledge so that existing innovations can be replicated and more useful for progress with the beloved BPS agency.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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