National Statistical Data Standards (SDSN) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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National Statistical Data Standards (SDSN)

National Statistical Data Standards (SDSN)

January 17, 2022 | Other Activities

On January 17, 2022, BPS Pekalongan City participated in the socialization of the Central Statistics Agency Regulation Number 4 of 2021 concerning National Statistical Data Standards (SDSN). This event was held through a webinar on zoom and youtube links which was attended by BPS Indonesia (the supervisor of statistical data in the regions), data guardians, and data producers from Central Ministries/Institutions. This event is the beginning of meeting the need for sustainable statistical data standards.

This regulation is an integral part of the Central Bureau of Statistics Regulation No. 4 of 2020 concerning Technical Guidelines for Statistical Data Standards. In the context of implementing One Data Indonesia, one of the principles that must be met is the Data Standard. The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) as the data supervisor is required to provide Data Standards that can be shared across central and/or regional agencies.

Speakers in this event include Dr. eng. Imam Machdi M.T. as Deputy of Methodology and Statistical Information of BPS RI, Dr. Sarpono S.Si, M.Sc as Director of the Development of Census and Survey Methodology BPS RI, Ervan Maksoem ST, M.Sc as Deputy Coordinator of the Central Level Indonesian Data Secretariat as well as special staff to the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas; and also Hari Dwi Korianto, S.Kom, MSi as Director of the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Controlling Development System and Procedure of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas as Secretary of the Central Level Indonesian Data Secretariat.

Dr. eng. Imam Machdi M.T. in his speech said that SDSN is the embodiment of SDI principles. SDSN is the result of the coordination of various parties, which is expected to continue until agreement is reached, synergism, and synchronization with regulations and Norms, Standards, Procedures and Criteria (NSPK) in each Ministry/Institution. It is hoped that the use of data standards can reduce the ambiguity of the data generated by various data producers. Data standards can be used as a guarantee of the quality of the data itself, as well as through data standards central agencies and/or regional agencies can coordinate and communicate to produce one data that is beneficial for all parties. In 2022, there will be development of statistical data standards, including through education, training, socialization, assistance, assistance related to statistical data standards in target Ministries/Agencies, coordination and collaboration with certain ministries/agencies in the preparation of data standards adapted to priority data, and development of data standards at the provincial and district/city levels.

Dr. Sarpono S.Si, M.Sc in this SDSN Socialization conveyed Indonesia's one data policy, SDI principles contained in Presidential Regulation No. 39 of 2019 Article 3, the objectives and benefits of SDS, the principle of establishing statistical data standards, compiling data standards and their components, submission flow cross-agency data standards, data standard submission instruments, recap of proposals from Ministries/Institutions on SDSN 2021, SDSN Roadmap 2020-2024, plans for the preparation of SDSN 2022, as well as collaboration and synergy to support SDSN, namely by coordinating central and regional data guardians,

Ervan Maksoem ST, M.Sc in his presentation conveyed about the strategic role of data standards in one Indonesian data. In addition, it also discusses the history of standardization in Indonesia, the benefits of data standardization, definitions and objectives of standardization, principles of standardization, standardized data in SDI and SPBE, acceleration of standardization in SDI, expansion of data standardization, strengthening of standard implementation, and supervision of standard implementation.

Hari Dwi Korianto, S.Kom, MSi conveyed about the role and governance of one Indonesian data in central and regional agencies. According to Hari, quality government policies come from systems that produce quality data and information as well. It describes the development and consolidation of data governance which includes regulations, institutions, and guidelines to support the implementation of the one data Indonesia policy as well as the flow of data and metadata in integration in the SDI portal, the link between one Indonesian data and national strategic issues. In addition, it also describes aspects and governance of the SPBE. At the end of the presentation, the SDI forum's strategic directions related to data management were presented.
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