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Activities to Commemorate National Statistics Day 2023
September 26, 2023 | Other Activities
BPS Pekalongan City is holding a series of activities to commemorate National Statistics Day (HSN) 2023. The theme of HSN 2023 is Quality Statistics for Advanced Indonesia.
This activity began with a commemorative rally for HSN 2023. The rally was attended by all Pekalongan City BPS employees, invited guests from Pekalongan City BPS, as well as student interns from STIS, UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan and Muhammadiyah University Pekajangan Pekalongan. Followed by the tumpeng cutting activity as a symbolic celebration of the 26th National Statistics Day. The next activity was carried out by participating in the YouTube live streaming of the 2023 HSN commemoration at BPS RI as well as the awarding of Exemplary Statistical Persons throughout Indonesia.
The next activities were competitions to strengthen the unity of the BPS Pekalongan City extended family. This activity closed with a karaoke competition and distribution of competition prizes.