Seminar in the Commemoration of National Statistics Day 2023, BPS Goes To School - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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Seminar in the Commemoration of National Statistics Day 2023, BPS Goes To School

Seminar in the Commemoration of National Statistics Day 2023, BPS Goes To School

November 20, 2023 | Other Activities

In commemoration of the 63rd National Statistics Day 2023, BPS Pekalongan City held a seminar with the theme "BPS Goes to School" at Pekalongan University on November 20 2023 by inviting Pekalongan University students and lecturers as well as FEB UMPP student representatives. Appearing as a resource person was the Head of BPS Pekalongan City, Drs. Rahyudin, M.Si who raised the theme of Utilizing BPS Micro and Macro Data for Research and the Dean of FKIP, Pekalongan University, Dr. Fahrudin Eko Hardiyanto, M.Pd who raised the theme Building BPS Synergy with Higher Education.

Seminar participants participated enthusiastically as evidenced by the question and answer session, many wanted to ask questions. The event continued with the handing over of souvenirs to three participants as appreciation from BPS Pekalongan City for their participation and enthusiasm during the 2023 HSN seminar, and closed with a group photo session.

See you at another event held by BPS Pekalongan City
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