National Labor Force Survey Officer Training (SAKERNAS) February 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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National Labor Force Survey Officer Training (SAKERNAS) February 2024

National Labor Force Survey Officer Training (SAKERNAS) February 2024

January 26, 2024 | BPS Activities

Pekalongan City BPS carried out training for Sakernas officers in February 2024 for 3 days. Training is carried out using a combination of online and offline methods. Online training was held on 22-23 January 20224 and offline training at the Pekalongan City BPS Office was held on 24 January 2024. The Sakernas February 2024 training was attended by 6 officers guided by two Regional Instructors (Inda), namely Inda Technical and Inda FASIH.

Sakernas is one of BPS' routine surveys which aims to provide employment data and indicators. With this training, it is hoped that officers can understand the concepts and definitions as well as the enumeration mechanism according to the applicable SOP.
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