Regional Integrated One Data Coordination Meeting (SDTD) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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Regional Integrated One Data Coordination Meeting (SDTD)

Regional Integrated One Data Coordination Meeting (SDTD)

December 7, 2020 | Other Activities

The Pekalongan City Government through the Communication and Informatics Office held a Regional Integrated One Data Coordination Meeting (SDTD) in 2020.

The activity was held on Monday, December 7, 2020 in the Jetayu Room, Pekalongan City Regional Secretariat Complex.

On this occasion, three speakers delivered their presentation. BPS Kota Pekalongan represented by Burhanudin as the Head of the IPDS Section also gave an explanation of the urgency of metadata and the important role of BPS in the realization of SDTD in Pekalongan City.

Metadata is data about data. The existence of metadata is very important in data collection activities. Metadata makes it easier for data producers to prepare data so that it does not overlap or duplicate. Make it easy to collect certain data and make it easier for consumers to find the data they need. In addition, it facilitates data management for related institutions / agencies.

On the same occasion, it was also conveyed that the role of BPS as a data supervisor is to set standard data standards and metadata. Standard setting is carried out together with walidata, besides that it also re-checks priority data, provides recommendations in the planning process for data collection by institutions / agencies and provides guidance in the implementation of One Indonesian Data and SDTD in accordance with applicable regulations.
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