Facilitator Coordination Meeting and Assistant Facilitator of FKP Initial Data Collection Research a - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pekalongan Municipality

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Facilitator Coordination Meeting and Assistant Facilitator of FKP Initial Data Collection Research a

Facilitator Coordination Meeting and Assistant Facilitator of FKP Initial Data Collection Research a

April 17, 2023 | Other Activities

In preparation for the implementation of the FKP Regsosek, BPS Kota Pekalongan held a coordination meeting with all sub-districts in Pekalongan City. Coordination meetings in West Pekalongan, East Pekalongan and North Pekalongan Districts were held on April 14 2023, while South Pekalongan District on April 17 2023.

The coordination meeting was chaired by the Camat in each sub-district and attended by the Lurah. In the implementation of FKP Regsosek, the Lurah will act as a facilitator. In this meeting, the sub-district head conveyed his joint support and commitment so that the Pekalongan City Research and Research FKP could run smoothly.

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